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05 May 2022, 19:05

Natalia Kernytska, Senior Expert of the International Cooperation Department of the UCF, took part in the discussion panel EU culture in solidarity with Ukraine: existing initiatives of Forum «What's Next for European Music? European Opportunities in the Field of Culture».

During the discussion, Kernytska talked about the activities of the UCF during the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. Particular attention was paid to:

  • the interactive «Map of Cultural Losses» to demonstrate the scale of the damages.
  • information digest «Chronicles of the Cultural Front» to keep culture on the agenda and at the same time to inform you about the key news and events in the field of culture
  • fundraising campaign to support cultural artists who stay in Ukraine, projects that promote Ukrainian culture, Ukrainian media and also the UCF activities. 

«Supporting non-governmental artists is currently a priority for the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation. That is why we call on our public and private foreign partners to join our initiative» - mentioned Natalia Kernytska in her speech.  

Moderator of the Panel: Joseph Giustiniani, Cooperation Attaché at the French Embassy in Romania/ Humanitarian Correspondent, Deputy Director of the French Institute in Romania

On 4th and 5th May, the French Institute in Romania and Europavox presented “What’s next for European music?”: two days of exchanges, workshops and round tables addressing European cultural policies in an ever changing context, and their impact on artists mobility at a European scale. 

The meetings were addressed to cultural professionals and took place at the French Institute on the occasion of the first edition of the Europavox Bucharest Festival, part of the Europavox 2020-2024 Project, co-founded by the European Commission.

Категорія: Статті