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07 June 2021, 18:06

On 15 June, at 2:30 pm, an online meeting of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation with the European Business Association will take place to jointly outline ways of mutually beneficial cooperation, support, and development. Acting Executive Director Iryna Osadcha will present to business representatives the UCF’s successful cases and achievements for three years since the establishment of the state institution, talk about the strategy planned update and key innovations in the activities of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation with Ukrainian and international partners. In turn, within the cultural dialogue, members of the European Business Association will have a unique opportunity to ask their questions to the UCF’s top management and get answers that will help to establish further partnerships:

  • financing and communication support of the cultural ecosystem of Ukraine;
  • image and reputation cases pro bono;
  • legal aspects of cooperation, risks, and guarantees;
  • ways of mutual strengthening of the parties;
  • development prospects, etc.

The meeting of the UCF and the European Business Association is planned within the framework of the Foundation’s fundraising strategy to support creation of cultural product, the development of patronage and philanthropy, strengthening the interaction of business and government institutions.

Категорія: Новини