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07 June 2021, 19:06

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation Larysa Mudrak resigned «in view of the current situation and her own public position on the self-removal of the current Supervisory Board of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation».

Kateryna Chuieva also applied for dismissal as a member of the UCF Supervisory Board.

«The situation is definitely not easy. It is great that the competition has taken place, so the Directorate will be able to continue its work on the issuance of grants. But the question of the current Supervisory Board operation remains open. We all – the public, ministry, and I personally – are concerned to end the period of instability we are witnessing now. Unfortunately, due to legislative gaps, both the UCF and the MCIP lack legal levers of influence. But I insist that the resignation of members of the Supervisory Board, such as Mr. Suslenskyi and Mr. Tuluzov, is the best solution for the UCF. At the same time, we will continue to work on making the necessary changes to the law to prevent the recurrence of such situations», - commented Oleksandr Tkachenko, Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine.

In case the self-removal of the Supervisory Board members continues, the option of launching the procedure of re-election of its entire membership will be considered. It will take place in accordance with the Law On the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, stating that two candidates are nominated by the MCIP, two – by the President’s Office, two by NGOs, and two by cultural institutions. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board will be elected from the proposed new candidates by the renewed composition of the UCF Supervisory Board.

Категорія: Новини