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08 July 2021, 15:07

Currently, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation has begun finalising the 2021programmes, contracts are being actively signed, and grantees are in the process of implementing projects. Vladyslav Berkovskii, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, announced that in his first interview with host Vadym Karpiak on Radio Kultura.

This year, the UCF has received a record number of grant applications and expects implementation of about 600 unique projects under approved programs.

«According to forecasts, this figure will only grow every year. And this requires a lot of effort specifically on the part of the Foundation’s employees because we needed to consider about 4,000 applications in a short time. Next, we had to conduct a technical selection, check the content, the availability of a complete package of documents, review budget requests… So, in fact, this is painstaking work that requires each of us to be professionally engaged 24/7», stressed the Foundation Head.

Speaking about the phasing and importance of updating the overall Ukrainian Cultural Foundation Development Strategy for 2022–2030, Vladyslav Berkovskii also shared with the audience the Foundation’s plans to develop a separate grant program at the request of time. It’s about the art digitisation.

«One of our ideas is to allocate a separate lot Digitalization next year within the approved programs, the projects of which will be aimed at ensuring that grantees can digitalise museum, library, and archive funds at state expense and make them available online to Ukrainians and the world», said Vladyslav Berkovskii, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.

About the Foundation’s first achievements, team, and activities’ strategizing you can find in full interview - https://bit.ly/3xp3HUj

Категорія: Статті