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09 August 2021, 08:08

The parties discussed the importance and phasing of the development and implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation for the period 2022–2030, one of the activities of which is to work with the regions: support, creation of representative offices – multicultural hubs.

«One of the elements of the meeting with the mayor was to discuss the possibility of creating a cultural hub in Odesa. A representative office of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation will be aimed at creating a positive cultural and investment climate in Odesa, supporting cultural initiatives in the region and the city itself. And last but not least, at supporting those cultural, creative initiatives of the city authorities and Odesa residents which are aimed at the development of culture and tourism in Odesa and the region. And, undoubtedly, we are aimed at promoting the Odesa cultural product on the national and international arenas», Vladyslav Berkovskii noted.

Категорія: Статті