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11 March 2021, 13:03

In early 2020, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and the Zagoriy Foundation Charitable Foundation signed a Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation within the UCF Cultural Charity Program, which is part of the UCF's overall fund raising strategy. The Zagoriy Foundation became the first private charitable foundation to provide financial support to the UCF. 

Both organizations seek to support cultural projects, including those representing the cultural heritage sector, to promote the implementation of state policy in the culture and arts sphere, and to develop a competitive national cultural product.

The partnership between the UCF and the Zagoriy Foundation has set a precedent for effective cooperation between public and private foundations, which share a common vision for the further development of culture and the country. The result of the cooperation between UCF and Zagoriy Foundation last year was the support of two projects: on-line platform “Virtual trips to the significant sites of archeology and history of Poltava region”, multimedia on-line project “Encyclopedia of Architecture of Ukraine”. 

In 2021, the UCF and the Zagoriy Foundation, within the framework of the current Memorandum, continued their joint activities aimed at promoting charity in the field of culture. This year, the Zagoriy Foundation increased the amount of support and provided UAH 1,700,000 to the UCF.

The Zagoriy family, the founders of the Zagoriy Foundation, are convinced that patronage of a cultural product will help increase the investment attractiveness of the cultural environment at the regional, national and international levels.

Yevheniia Mazurenko, Director of the Zagoriy Foundation: “Cultural heritage is the base on which the modernity stands and the future is built. The role of culture for society cannot be underestimated. That is why we continue to support art projects in cooperation with an effective and professional partner, the UCF team.”
Yuliia Fediv, Acting Executive Director of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation: “We are grateful to the Zagoriy Foundation for the cooperation that has already taken place, and we are convinced that in the future we will be able to implement even more targets together. We hope that our successful cooperation will become an example for other patrons and philanthropists, who will also join in supporting cultural and artistic projects.” 

Категорія: Новини