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16 July 2021, 18:07

Vladyslav Berkovskii, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, met with Olha Polotska, Executive Director of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine.

Heads of state institutions exchanged experience of the Foundations’ operation, discussed the peculiarities of grant support of domestic science priority areas, as well as the specifics of the competitive selection of projects, ensuring independent scientific expertise with the involvement of reputable foreign scientists, and control over the use of budget funds.

Vladyslav Berkovskii noted that a number of the NRFU’s (National Research Foundation of Ukraine) promising developments would be used in the work of the UCF and shared his vision of ways to optimise the Foundation’s work. The parties agreed to hold regular consultations on a wide range of issues and, in particular, to hold joint webinars in the near future to improve the level of project management.

Категорія: Статті