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17 June 2020, 18:06

From June 10, 2020, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation begins publishing registers of projects-winners of the 2020 competition programs.

Briefly about exactly how the negotiation procedures go:

  • The third of the four stages of the competitive selection is the stage during which the tender commissions consider the applications: control the applicant's consideration of the experts' comments on the estimate or the content of the project, agree on legal and financial issues;
  • The competition commissions include members of the Directorate, UCF project managers, lawyers, financiers;
  • Negotiation procedures take place online in the project management system.
  • Based on the results of the negotiation procedures, the UCF Directorate approves projects whose budget does not exceed 150 minimum wages, and recommends for approval by the Supervisory Board projects whose estimates reach more than 150 minimum wages.

As stated in the Competitive Selection Procedure (paragraph 6.4.1), Instructions for Applicants, after approval by the Foundation Directorate and the Supervisory Board of decisions of expert councils, the Foundation Board allocates funding for projects, grant agreements are concluded with applicants.

You can find each of the registers of signed agreements on the page of the corresponding program in the "Registers of programs" tab.

  Attention: the information is constantly updated!

Категорія: Новини