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19 August 2022, 16:08

The NGO "Regional Development Agency of the Tavria Association of Territorial Communities" together with the Charitable Foundation "This Craft" and with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation invite artists and illustrators to take part in the art-residency "Kherson region - is Ukraine".

The residency will take place in Uman and will last from August 24 to September 4, 2022. The result of the residency will be paintings on the theme "Kherson region - is Ukraine", which will be presented in Uman, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Lviv and Kyiv and in the cities of Poland, and will later be sold at an online auction. All proceeds from the sale will be directed to the Ukrainian Army, as well as to the restoration of destroyed cultural monuments in the south of Ukraine.

More information you may find here.

Категорія: Статті