+380 (44) 506 22 66 [email protected]
20 July 2020, 16:07

In early August 2020, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation plans to announce a new competitive program "Culture +", the purpose of which is to promote new partnerships and the formation of common values ​​of civil society in Ukraine.

Program goals:

  • To integrate culture into everyday social practices;
  • To generate new creative solutions / products to solve socially important problems;
  • To strengthen intersectoral cooperation and promote the development of intersectoral partnerships, including cultural and business ones;
  • To expand the understanding of the role of culture in society;
  • To strengthen the role of culture as a generator of the economy.

The program will support projects that use participatory methods (methods of involvement) of both individuals and social groups, as well as enhance artistic intervention in areas of social significance - medicine, education and science, environmental protection, community development, support for veterans and more.

Priorities of the ‘‘Culture +’’ program:

  • Supporting the creation of new/ engaging existing art formats and practices with an innovative approach to overcome the distance, constraints and socio-cultural problems caused by COVID 19;
  • Supporting the formation of new and the development of existing sustainable partnerships between cultural operators and socially responsible business, in particular in the field of CCI through the joint creation of new products / solutions to address social problems caused by today's challenges (in particular, COVID 19);
  • Support for cultural and artistic projects of intersectoral cooperation with the involvement of medicine and environment protection;
  • Support for cultural and artistic programs of social reintegration of excluded groups, including ATO / JFO veterans, children deprived of parental care, former prisoners, etc .;
  • Ensuring the cultural development of communities from "depressed regions" or from disaster areas

Applicants for the program "Culture +" can be:

  • cultural institutions and operators of various forms of ownership and entrepreneurs in the field of culture and art,
  • united territorial communities registered on the territory of Ukraine.

Applicants for the program can be legal entities of all forms of ownership and natural individual entrepreneurs who are registered on the territory of Ukraine, carry out activities in the field of culture and arts and the project team has experience in joint implementation of cultural and artistic projects.

The ‘‘Culture +’’ program will support all types of projects (individual, national and international cooperation).

For all types of projects (including individual ones) it is mandatory to involve a partner (for individual co-financing if desired), who is a participant / co-executor of the project, which is regulated by the cooperation agreement and is an organization representing another industry.

‘‘Culture +’’ aims to generate new creative solutions by supporting the widest possible range of products from all sectors of the cultural and creative industries.

The budget of the program is UAH 80 million

Maximum grant amount: UAH 2 million

Detailed information about the program will be published on the day of the open call announcement - August 3, 2020.

Категорія: Новини