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25 October 2022, 13:10

The 30th Congress of the European Network on Cultural Management and Policy (ENCATC) - "Internationalization in focus: theoretical, strategic, and management perspectives in education, research, policy and practice" was held 17-19 October in Brussels and Antwerp.

Three days, the Congress deals with key topics in the cultural sector in the current context, among which the decolonization of cultural institutions, policies and university programmes, internationalization of cultural programmes and how to advance the sustainability of the sector and situation in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Cultural Foundation also took an active part in the Congress. On the third day of the Congress, a special session was dedicated to Ukraine.

Vladyslav Berkovski, the Executive Director of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, appeared in a video message and talked about the cultural sites that the russian army has partially damaged or destroyed in Ukraine.

"For seven month local theaters, art studios, creative hubs, and art galleries were damaged or  completely destroyed by Russian bombs and missiles. Museums were looted and libraries burned. But we do not give up. We are fighting. And we are really grateful to all our friends and partners who support us, who help us not only to survive, but also to return to our lives", - said Vladyslav Berkovski.

Natalia Kernytska, international cooperation manager, spoke about daily work and activities for supporting the cultural community during the war and called on the world cultural community to support Ukraine. She paid special attention to the information digest "Chronicles of the Cultural Front", in which the Foundation informs the international community about initiatives to support our country both in the world and in Ukraine and stressed about the platform "Cultural Space" and partner fundraising project "Help to save Ukrainian culture now!"

"We have to talk about russian full-scale invasion on all platforms in the world, so such measures are extremely important for us today. This is part of our struggle, part of our cultural front. The terrible crimes committed by russia on the territory of Ukraine and their consequences should be known and remembered by everyone, no matter where they are. And I am grateful to everyone for this opportunity to speak",  - summed up Nataliia Kernytska.

ENCATC is the European network on cultural management and policy. It is an independent membership organisation gathering over 100 higher education institutions and cultural organisations in over 40 countries. ENCATC was founded in 1992 to represent, advocate and promote cultural management and cultural policy education, professionalise the cultural sector and make it sustainable, and to create a platform of discussion and exchange at the European and international level. 

Категорія: Статті