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28 February 2022, 14:02

Dear friends, colleagues, defenders of our Motherland.

It is already the fifth day as we are fighting the russian-belarusian aggression. We have been under violent military attack by the russian federation since 24th February. The enemy is attacking us by using missiles, ballistic rockets, multiple rocket launchers Grad and tanks. In these critical conditions, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation continues to work under constant shelling. We prepare to finance projects for the new (2022) grant season. We help our territorial defense units with volunteer work. We work for the future of our independent country and victory!

And that is why we appeal to all cultural institutions in Ukraine, to all cultural managers, to all, who create the cultural landscape of our country. We have witnessed a new story. The story that must reach our descendants. The story that should become a lesson for the whole world. The story that the Ukrainian people cannot be defeated, that our freedom cannot be destroyed. To save this story, we - museum workers, archivists, librarians, directors and screenwriters, poets and writers, and all those who create culture - need to combine our efforts. We have to preserve the memories of our heroic act. And we are not talking only about the front, but also about the rear. 

Collect and Save! The tangible and intangible heritage of our fighting for independence, evidence of war and crimes of russia and belarus, open aggression against people - all those artifacts should become not only evidence in court, but also an element of our future museum exhibitions, archives, library collections, theater performances and movie backgrounds. After all, this is the memory of those who laid down their lives for our Motherland, for our Ukraine! 

Glory to the heroes! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and Territorial Defense!

Категорія: Статті