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28 October 2022, 16:10

About Ukrainian culture which suffers daily from russian shelling, it was said at the international forum CulTourE4Youth – Supporting Youth Entrepreneurship in Cultural Tourism for coastal communities in the Black Sea region. Forum was held in the framework of the 50th General Assembly of the CPMR.

Dmytro Reshetchenko, Deputy Executive Director of the UCF for project work, spoke about the competitive programs and projects that were created in the direction of cultural tourism. He paid special attention to the "Regional Initiative" LOTs, which were supposed to be implemented for the first time in cooperation with city councils, but were stopped due to a full-scale russian invasion.

"During the 7 months of the war, russia completely stopped the country's tourism industry. The russian army partially destroyed or completely destroyed more than 1,000 objects of cultural heritage, tourist infrastructure. They continue to kill Ukrainian civilians. Please, remember this, when you have an idea to create joint projects with the russians", - Dmytro Reshetchenko said during his speech.

Категорія: Статті