+380 (44) 506 22 66 [email protected]
30 March 2022, 12:03

Russia's full-scale military invasion of democratic and independent Ukraine has been going on for more than a month. The Russian occupants continue to kill citizens, to ruthlessly destroy Ukraine's cultural heritage, publicly declaring that Ukrainian culture does not exist and did not exist. They continue to shell Ukrainian museums and destroy Ukrainian theaters.

The statements of the Russian leadership, that the Russian army allegedly inflicts targeted attacks exclusively on military infrastructure, are not true. According to official data, the Russian army has already damaged 139 hospitals and 518 educational institutions, shelled more than 40 ambulances. At least 143 children were killed and more than 216 were injured. 

The Russian occupants continue to ruthlessly destroy Ukraine's cultural heritage. More than 130 cultural heritage sites were destroyed, damaged and looted.

  • Drama theatre in Mariupol;
  • the historic building of the Ivankiv Historical and Local History Museum burned down (where the unique works were stored of merited Ukrainian People's Artist Maria Pryimachenko and prominent embroiderer Anna Veres);
  • Church of the Intercession of the ХІХ century, Zhytomyr region;
  • the building of the former "Palace of Labor" of 1914 in Kharkiv;
  • the building of Kharkiv State Scientific Library by V.G. Korolenko, 1899-1901;
  • Vasylivka Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve "Popov Estate" of the end XIX century, Zaporizhzhia region;
  • State Dendrological Reserve “Trostyanets” of the ХІХ century, Chernihiv region.

And this list, unfortunately, is being added to with each passing hour. 

Instead of protecting tangible and intangible cultural heritage, Russia only destroys them. On behalf of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine and all cultural organizations and institutions of Ukraine, we demand:

  • to revoke Russia’s right to hold the 45th session of the Committee in Kazan, Russia;
  • to transfer the 45th session to Lviv, Ukraine;
  • to exclude Russia from UNESCO. 
Friends! Everyone who reads this letter - we also ask you to join us and inform UNESCO that any cooperation with Russia must be stopped. Post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram in English and tag the official UNESCO account. Call them to transfer the 45th session from Russian Kazan to Ukrainian Lviv.
Together we are strong!

Категорія: Статті