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26 May 2022, 15:05

To support Ukrainian culture in the face of armed aggression by the russian federation, the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, together with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine and the IT company SoftServe,  launch the "Cultural Space" platform.

The platform is aimed at collecting information from Ukrainian cultural artists and institutions who have found themselves in a difficult financial situation due to the war and need assistance, both to resume their activities and to implement projects that emphasize the cultural value of Ukrainian identity during martial law and after the victory of Ukraine.

"Our mission is to provide an opportunity for Ukrainian artists and organizations to develop our culture and assist them in attracting support for their projects. Gathering information will help us and the Ministry to analyze the needs of the industry, generate a request for funds and find necessary resources", - said Vladyslav Berkovski, Executive Director of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.

"The cultural sector is suffering because of the war. Our culture is at the forefront of the war. The main target of the russian invaders became culture. Cultural buildings, theaters, hundreds of institutions are affected by the war, thousands of artists lost their jobs, even homes. Today, the cultural community needs support, both financially and informationally. We hope that we will be able to attract the maximum resources for this new project "Cultural Space", - said the Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine Oleksandr Tkachenko.

Currently, the platform has four applications for collecting information:

  • Individuals (Ukrainian artists) who are in Ukraine and plan to resume creative activities can apply for support through the Cultural Space platform.
  • Institutions/organizations that operate in the field of culture and experience difficulties and plan to resume their activities.    
  • Projects to support. If you are a representative of the culture and creative industries sector and continue operation in Ukraine or plan to resume it, you can submit your cultural project to the platform.    
  • Cooperation/Charity is a separate area for individuals and entities who are able and willing to support Ukrainian culture, become a philanthropist or donor.

Let’s unite our efforts to preserve Ukrainian culture and intensify the struggle against russian armed aggression. The Cultural Space Platform is available by the link: http://help.uaculture.org/

Категорія: Статті